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Trusting someone with your energy is such an important part of the journey, and Amber provides a full scope of trust with the perfect touch of warmth as you traverse through it. She’s honest with the right touch of gentleness, making sure you don’t feel alone. Her guidance is based on a fundamental of being raw and open, something that is rare these days. I have been placing my trust within her for years now and can’t imagine going through my journey without her, never feeling scared or hesitant, as she’s always there to guide with a sensible and calming way.


My loooong awaited website that almost was until I found the absolute perfect person to create it for me.
I can’t even express how happy and proud I am to not only be clear on the complexities of what it is that I do, but to have them displayed so incredibly beautifully.
Amber is an intuitive wizard.
She has been feeling into my system and my gifts to create my website for a few weeks, and she had to change and scrap and alter so many things along the way - because I’m changing.
And I didn’t even have to tell her that.
She just sensed it.
She felt into everything so intuitively, and she picked up on all the frequencies of each offering.
She’s pure magic.
I’ve cried several times at the revealing of all the pages.
Because it feels like me.
These pages feel like my gifts and what I bring to the world.
If you want a website, go to Amber.
You won’t regret it.

Kylie D. Fae

It's hard to express fully the layers I've been peeling back, but somehow you just understand. 
I'm grateful for our paths crossing.
I'm grateful to have your heart and wisdom behind building this website.
I'm thankful for the friendship that has blossomed from getting to know you. 
I'm over the moon!
Thank you for your attention to all the details and helping me along this process of bring my dream to life!

Stephanie Roberts

Hi Amber,  I wanted to say thank you for my painting. It is my prized possession. I couldn't have gotten through my grief of losing Walter without it. It gave me hope on the days I had none.


Talking to Amber is like talking to an old friend. The one that knows you inside and out- through and through. There are no false pretenses. No guarded moments. She is receptive, inclusive, and professional. You'll walk away from your session with a deeper understanding and resolve. Each session that I have had with her has empowered me. I've walked away with more peace and understanding. Amber is truly gifted and legitimate.

Amy Ralles

I can still feel the love you poured into this session rippling through me 2 days later- it is so pure and light, my sensation is of stepping into my higher self with complete joy and excitement. This connection with my ancestors, this immense guidance and clarity, is life changing. During my meditation after they were all coming down and visiting me, I could feel their energy like you said, of serene encouragement and love. I feel them now constantly. Gah!! I have so much to learn from you, I get excited thinking of it There is so much to learn and so much growing to do, I feel like I’ve gotten a window into what’s to come.

Bonnie B.

I had a wonderful session with Amber. Her energy came to me even before the session started and was working with me in her healing bubble. Every card she pulled and every Word she said connected right to my heart. She touched on parts of my life that really needed some clarity. I feel that Amber works in a realm with Creator that not everybody works in. I could tell she was connected to the most high as we were working together and the information just flowed and she was on point every time. If you are looking for some real Clarity and real connection to the other side Amber is the one to work with.

Andrea Elizabeth 

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