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Nicknamed a 'body witch', working within the body is one of my greatest abilities.

I can see the various layers within you, seven to be exact.

The layers of your energetic field that contains your aura, chakras, and meridians.

The inflammation held trauma, illness, and injuries throughout the physical body.

The ribbons of trauma and ancestral tethers that flow around you.

And so much more.

I can see where they have been stressed, and stuck, and gently bring them forward

so together we can release them and free your system.

Child Clearing and Blessing

Sometimes children can't put into words what's plaguing them, or they fear speaking up and being judged.

This world has shown me that many of the things we're told as children don't exist - do - just in a different form. This can be present in sudden mood changes, physical health, or paranormal occurrences.


This service is a gentle scan and clearing of any attachments, along with adding a layer of shielding, and showing the parent/ guardian how to help protect the them.   

$ - This service is free

to children 16 and under.

Contact to Schedule

*Approximately 30 minutes via video, phone, or in person.

Image by Andrew George

Adult Clearing and Blessing

The emotions accompanied by traumatic events can cause energetic inflammation leading to mental illness, and chronic physical pain. The most common signs are Anxiety/ PTSD and entity attachments. 

Life can get so tangled up with these running through your system, that it can be overwhelming to know where to begin.


This is where I come in. 

With this one-on-one guidance session, we assess where you're at, reveal blockages, and allow you to process and integrate them at YOUR pace- together.

It is a fully supportive approach with various energy healing and traditional indigenous modalities at its core.

$88 per session

*Depending on the extent of healing required,

we can instead arrange a series of sessions at a lower price, tailored to your needs. 

**Approximately 60 minutes via video or in person.

Ancestral Healing

The way I see our ancestors connected to our earthly bodies is through our hair. Our energetic hair. It flows around interwoven with your natural hair, coming from the crown of the head and base of the skull, swirling around the body in silver iridescent stands. Continuously free flowing, picking up all that we experience, containing all the knowledge of those who came before, and separating outward to show a broadened view of everything that you are.

Using tools entrusted to me, along with intuitive knowledge, I weave my way through every soul tied into your DNA through those silver strands. We go into lifetimes' worth of connectivity. 

Working with you.

Teaching you.

Guiding you.

I connect and heal the fibers of ancestral trauma, fill in any gaps, and relay any channeled messages all while creating new pathways for future generations. This stream can run deep. You become the healer. Baring the torch for your family's legacy.



*Approximately 90 minutes via video or in person.

Image by Joshua Gresham
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